Q. Librium: Unleash the Power of Your Emotional Intelligence

E.Q. Librium Unleash the Power of Your Emotional Intelligence: A Proven Path to Career Success - Yvette Bethel

E.Q. Librium was an interesting book if you are looking to learn about what your E.Q or Emotional intelligence is and how you can improve it, and improve your work life. I thing this book was primarily written for the workplace and specifically to managers. As the book frequently refers to management techniques.

The book is fairly easy to read, with any jargon explained in boxes throughout, there are plenty of case studies throughout demonstrating how the techniques explained actually work, I found these particularly helpful.

E.Q. Librium is divided into 2 parts, with part 1 being the explanations, this was the part that had me yawning by the end as I found a lot of it rather boring. The second part is more how-to and explains what you need to do to put the theories into action, although this was more interesting, actually finding the steps to take was hard as it wasn’t always very clear.

Overall, this is a great book if you are a leader of any kind. Enjoy

NB I Reveived this book free for an honest review