Ill Fated

Ill Fated (The Maurin Kincaide Series) (Volume 6) - Rachel Rawlings

Ill Fated is another of those books where I think my rating would have been better if I’d read the previous books in the series. As I had trouble connecting with the characters. I was however, able to pick up the story easily which is good.

I could be wrong, but it seemed that much of the story line was pertinent to this particular book, so I wonder if this is the case throughout the series?

Rachel’s writing is exciting and kept me hooked most of the way through, once I had figured out who everyone was. Her characters appear to be well written and I can imagine Maurin to be an interesting person to follow.

With it’s twists and excitement I would certainly recommend this book to any paranormal lover, but I do recommend reading the rest of the series first. Enjoy


NB I received this book free in return for an honest review